“This one happened just the other day. Let’s call this child ‘Abby.’
So, I’m driving a minibus of students home from basketball practice when suddenly Abby starts screaming, ‘Did that have peanuts in it!? I’m allergic to peanuts!’
She begins hyperventilating and crying and actually makes me pull over so she can get off the bus and throw up. We’re about 15 minutes from the school and I’m literally having a panic attack.
So, I call the principal and ask what should I do? Do we have an Epi-pen on hand at the school, anything that can help her? She seems confused and puts Abby’s grandmother on. She proceeds to tell me she wasn’t aware her granddaughter, who is claiming she can barely breathe, HAD any allergies.
When we got back to the school I was about ready to faint, and the principal brings out her registration paperwork to show me: no listed allergies. She isn’t allergic to anything, it was all an act. The hyperventilating, the crying, even the throwing up, was all for attention.”