The 1990s were a time of brightly colored clothes, boy bands, and family sitcoms. They were also a time of some pretty kooky food products! Take a trip back to your childhood and mourn the loss of these sadly discontinued '90s snack.
Doritos 3Ds

Doritos has tried a number of flavors and styles when it comes to their cheesy chips, but none were more enterprising than Doritos 3Ds. They basically looked and tasted like a regular Dorito that was puffed up with air in the middle, and they were amazing. They also came in canisters where the lid turned into a bowl!

Dunkaroos were every kids' favorite snack. Graham crackers that you can dip in a tub of frosting, what could be better!? Unfortunately, a whole generation had to grow up without these amazing treats in their lunchbox, as Betty Crocker discontinued their production.

Before there was Monster or Red Bull, Surge was all the talk as the highly-caffeinated soda that kids loved. The citrus-flavored soda was controversial, as parents worried about its health effects and schools even banned it, and it was finally discontinued. It did make a minor resurgence (no pun intended) recently, and its sales proved that it still had a wide appeal.

When it came to fruit juice in the '90s, Squeezeits plastic bottles were the king. They were portable, easy to use, and you didn't need a cup. Unfortunately, they were discontinued in 2001, so kids who didn't grow up in the '90s can't experience them.
Oreo O’s

When Oreo decided to make a breakfast cereal, kids across the world rejoiced. The cookies and cream cereal was a favorite among '90s kids, but when it was discontinued, it became nearly impossible to find anywhere. Now, the cereal is only available in South Korea.
Crystal Pepsi

Pepsi's short-lived experiment in making their signature soda clear may have only lasted a year, but it created a legion of dedicated consumers who've missed the product for over a decade. Recently, however, Pepsi has announced that it would be bringing Crystal Pepsi back, and hopefully it has a better run this time around.
French Toast Crunch

General Mills had a brilliant idea when they decided to make a breakfast cereal that tasted like french toast. Although French Toast Crunch was discontinued in the early 2000s, it was recently reintroduced to the market.
EZ Squirt Ketchup

Heinz's attempt to market ketchup to kids is considered one of the biggest food flops of all time, but a look at those bizarre colored ketchup bottles will instantly fill you with '90s nostalgia. While the idea of ketchup that is purple or green is still pretty unappealing, it was a big idea that we can never forget.
Sprite Remix

Technically, Sprite Remix isn't a '90s snack since it was introduced in the early 2000's, but we are still counting it because of its loyal and nostalgic fans. Although the tropical flavored Sprite is coming back to stores, we unfortunately won't be seeing the Berryclear or Aruba Jam flavors that we loved back in the day anytime soon.
Shark Bites

The king of the sea was also the king of gummy snacks in the '90s. Shark Bites were the fruity, chewy gummies that were the coolest things to have in your lunchbox.
Crispy M&Ms

Back in the day, you didn't have to break off a piece of a Kit-Kat bar to get that chocolatey wafer taste — you could just get a bag of crispy M&Ms. Although they were a beloved variation of traditional M&Ms, they were discontinued. Thankfully, M&M's recently reintroduced crispy M&Ms to the market.
Ecto Cooler

Hi-C was determined to squeeze every bit of merchandising out the "Ghostbusters" franchise, and it worked out for them! Ecto Coolers became a hit throughout the late '80s and '90s, but the citrus juice box died down and was discontinued before the turn of the century.
Melody Pops

Remember those lollipops that were also whistles you had when you were a kid? Sadly, those are no more. Melody Pops were a fun idea, but were discontinued.
Pepsi Blue

Pepsi went a little crazy with colors in the '90s. After Crystal Pepsi flopped, the company put out Pepsi Blue, which was said to be berry-flavored but really tasted more like liquified cotton candy. Still, the short-lived soda was shocking, and garnered a good deal of fans that were very upset after it was discontinued.
Butterfinger BB’s

Butterfinger candies will never go away, but sadly this iteration did. Butterfinger BB's turned the candy bar into bite-sized little pieces that were easy to eat. They were a favorite among many, including "The Simpsons," but were unfortunately discontinued nonetheless.

Today, Orbitz is more associated with the internet travel company than the food industry, but in the '90s it was one of the most eye-catching soft drinks available. The fruit drinks were unique in that they included small edible balls that floated in the clear drink, giving the effect of a lava lamp. Unfortunately, the drink was quickly discontinued due to poor sales, but the company has talked about bringing them back for a short release to satisfy the nostalgic.
Rice Krispie Treats Cereal

No, don't confuse this with the Rice Krispies cereal that is still widely available. Back in the '90s, Kellogg's released an amazing variation of the beloved cereal that clustered the rice krispies together with marshmallow. The result was a delicious cereal that was sadly discontinued after only a few years.