
“That laundry detergent companies suggest using more detergent per load than necessary in order to force people into buying more often.”

“There is a sock bandit that steals one sock from our dryers just to irritate us.”

“Mattress companies are a front for money laundering, and so is modern art. Who needs 3 mattress shops in one town?”

“Disney’s Frozen was made so when you Google Disney frozen you won’t find information on Walt Disney’s head is in cryogenic stasis someplace.”

“Toothpaste and shampoo commercials show using way too much of the stuff. You need like a pea-sized bit of toothpaste but the ads always show it covering the entire brush and then some.”

“What if snake oil was in fact a miracle cure-all and the term ‘snake oil salesman’ was just big pharma propaganda to give it a bad name and drive them out of business?”

“The government kills every person that finds a motor to run on water. Every time someone figures it out, they get snuffed and fall off the face of the earth. Just an odd coincidence that several people have worked it out, and they all died in very crazy or odd ways.”

“There was never a shortage of Krispy Kreme donuts.”

“I don’t know why it is not more talked about, but Prince Charles is a vampire. He is directly related to Vlad the Impaler and is sensitive to sunlight.”

“Celebrities aren’t actually giving their kids absurd names, they just aren’t publicizing their legal names.”

“The stories where ‘Guy is pulled over for routine traffic stop but had 1 million dollars in narcotics hidden in the vehicle’ is almost always the police being tipped off that these substances were moving and just set up a fake speed trap to get them.”

“Cell phone brands are not in charge of new phone designs. The case brands design the cases first, and then the phone companies make a design to fit.”

“Princess Diana’s death wasn’t an accident.”

“The moon landing was faked. I think it was marketing where they did use a real rocket and astronauts, they just never made it to the moon. Besides, there are people that have shot cars into space before, what is stopping us from going back there?”

“Always placing basic needs in stores so far away from each other so you’ll need to go through the entire store to find them, making you also buy other things on the way.”

“The multiverse, cmon there’s no way there’s only one universe plus so many people that swear by shifting to a different universe and can account for every detail of what happened, there’s no way it doesn’t exist.”

“That reincarnation is real.”

“I used to work in a sunglasses shop and my manager told me that a lot of the really expensive designer frames are made cheaply because they’re designed to be shoplifted to keep people from stealing the slightly cheaper but actually higher quality brands like Persol or Ray Ban. They’re all made in the same factory so it would make sense.”

“That Elvis Presley faked his own death to avoid publicity.”

“The only one I believe is that Marilyn Monroe was murdered by the government.”

“New Coke was all a scam to get people drinking Coke again.”

“Electronic appliances and gadgets are made weaker on purpose so you have to buy new ones. That’s why things you bought in the 80s and 90s can outlive you and your enemies.”