What I Really Think
I could not be more over the moon in love with this blanket. I suggest getting one for all your loved ones, your coworkers, strangers you’ve briefly met in coffee shops… Basically any cool person ever.
Everyone deserves a good night’s rest, and the YnM blanket is a sure-fire way to sleep well.
I’ve only been using the blanket for a week, but I have already noticed a difference in my sleep—I’ve been falling asleep in just a few minutes, and I sleep through the night without waking up every hour or so like usual.
It’s not even just good for falling asleep, either. Need a hug? The weighted blanket has your back. Want to watch Netflix? Yep, better use your blanket. Whatever you like to do to decompress, it’s better under a weighted blanket!

How It Actually Works
If sleeping through the night (or at all) is a problem for you, YnM’s weighted blanket might actually help! The blanket works wonders for folks who toss and turn, wake up in the middle of the night, or have racing thoughts before falling asleep.
The blanket has a 7-layer design that successfully molds to your body to hold you down and help you feel more relaxed and calm while you’re trying to sleep. The blanket is designed to create the feeling that you’re being held, and let me tell you, it actually feels that way!
The blankets vary in size, but you can buy one for a twin, queen, or king sized bed. The blanket ranges is between 5 to 30 pounds heavy, but the most common weight is 15 pounds. The blanket you choose completely depends on the size of your bed and your weight. The golden rule—you should purchase a blanket that’s 10% of your body weight plus one.
Each blanket is made with soft, plush cotton and is stuffed with glass beads that are designed to weigh you down.

Sleep Well, Feel Well
Your weighted blanket comes with a free duvet cover, which is kind of a big deal because those can be super expensive! YnM offers you 22 colors to choose from, ranging from a cute pastel pattern for your little one to a simple white cover for yourself. Both solid colors and patterns are offered!
The color options are just an added perk though, what matters most is the incredible snooze you’ll have on your very first night with this blanket.
If you need more convincing, read on to hear from three of the 4,000+ who have reviewed this incredible sleep-inducing blanket.

Why Everyone Is Raving About This Blanket
Great blanket for calming anxiety and helping you fall asleep faster!
“I would definitely recommend the blanket for anyone who has a hard time calming down their nervous system and falling asleep. If you have racing thoughts or unease when going to bed, something about the extra weight distributed around your body really helps calm those feels down and adds this interesting feeling of being protected. The blankets are super high quality and I really enjoyed the texture of the glass beads as stuffing instead of poly pellets. Overall these blankets are less expensive than I see with other competitors so I think it is definitely a worthwhile purchase for anyone dealing with symptoms of anxiety, depression, ADHD, or just people who want to have a better quality of sleep. Would highly recommend!”
I Love My YnM 15lb Weighted Blanket!
“The blanket itself is a super soft cotton, and the beads make no noise at all. The weight seems to be evenly distributed and the quality is excellent. It comes in a very nice box that would be a lovely presentation if you are giving this blanket as a gift.”
Absolute BEST!!! Controls my RLS!!!
“This is the BEST purchase I have ever made. I have been an insomniac for years and have never successfully been treated, even with many doctors appointments and medications. NOTHING worked! On top of that I have RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome). When I am in pain with the nerves in my legs and can’t sleep, I always want weight on my legs and body. This product is not advertised for RLS but it absolutely should be! I have had my blanket for three days and I have been basically sleeping in a coma like state!!! Its is the soundest and best sleep I have ever had in my life. And the comforting weight on my legs and boy just eases those RLS symptoms and drifts me off to a sound sleep!!! It is so hard to describe the feeling of peace and comfort the minute you lay it on your body. This product is phenomenal to say the least!!!”

For ultimate coziness, better wellbeing, and less anxiety in the night, I highly recommend investing in YnM’s weighted blanket.
Treat yourself to a good sleep! What screams self-care more than that?