Oola had the opportunity to chat with Amanda Yitzhakr, a Nutrition Counselor, and ask her questions about nutrition and work with her clients. Read on to learn more from this nutrition expert!
Who Is Amanda Yitzhakr?
Amanda: I work in a unique way combining Nutritional Counseling with Health Coaching to ensure that my clients not only know what steps they need to take (Nutritional Counseling), but also how to put the steps in a way that works specifically for them. I am specialised in supporting adults and teenagers who suffer with distressing gastrointestinal conditions. I help them with emotional eating, weight control, and eating disorders in order to help them restore a healthy relationship with food.
I work hard to provide the support, motivation, and coaching my clients need in order for them to achieve their health goals and overcome the barriers that have held them back in the past. My approach is not ‘one size fits all’. I tailor a targeted nutrition bespoken plan to suit my clients’ individual needs, as well as encouraging and supporting them through the process. All my recommendations are based on scientific evidence and research, backed up by clinical experience.

Oola: What inspired you to focus on the field of diet and nutrition?
Amanda: I like to be able to help people to change the way to live life.
Oola: You combine Nutritional Counselling with Health Coaching? Can you elaborate on how those work together?
Amanda: Well, most of my clients have issues and they use food as an escape. My goal is to counsel them to change their mindset. In my experience, 85% will never put on weight again.

Oola: One day we read in the news that something is bad for us, the next day we read it’s good. Is there a rule of thumb or method to use to figure out which to believe?
Amanda: It’s kind of a hard question to answer because it depends on the level of the professor or scientific study. Sometimes it is as simple as a famous person doing a new diet and the rest of world decides to follow it without checking the health consequences. It can be very dangerous.
Oola: What’s a food that a lot of people consider healthy that is actually pretty unhealthy?
Amanda: I believe granola and instant oatmeal, because the amount of added sugars, molasses, and oil.

Oola: Eating healthy while traveling can be a real challenge. Any tips for making it more manageable?
Amanda: My advice is try to choose more fruits and vegetables and healthy beverage options like coconut water. Try to avoid breads, pasta, dairy, and fast food.
Oola: What advice do you have to give to our readers for living life to their tastes while maintaining a healthy diet?
Amanda: Just try to find the balance with healthy meals. Most people find it easier to do this by eating small portions and often during the day.
Oola: Anything else you’d like to comment on while we have you?
Amanda: A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people’s health and well-being. Many governments and non-governmental organizations work at promoting healthy lifestyles. The ways to getting healthy include healthy eating, physical activities, weight management, and stress management.

If you enjoyed this interview with Amanda Yitzhakr and would like more information about her Nutritional Counseling, please visit her company’s site here: AS Lifestyle Health Clinic. You can also follow her here:
Website: https://aslifestyle.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aslifestyle.uk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nutri_29as
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amandayitzhak_aslifestyle/