Sparling water is a delicious way to enjoy the bubbly carbonation of a fizzy drink without all the sugar and artificial ingredients that are found in soda. Although sparkling water can be already flavored or have flavor added, which contributes to its irresistible charm, is sparkling water good for you? Well, the answer is complicated. While there are soda fountain gadgets to make your own sparkling water at home, many people are replacing regular tap water with the more bubbly variety. As a result, this can have some adverse effects if that is what you are solely drinking as opposed to traditional water. However carbonated water can be enjoyed in moderation as a delicious drink to fill with your favorite fresh fruit or enjoyed alone. if you’re still not convinced and wondering whether or not to try out this fizzy concoction, here are some facts that will keep you informed.
What Is Sparkling Water?

Like soda, sparkling water, also known as carbonated water occurs when carbon dioxide that has been dissolved is under pressure. There are many kinds of sparkling water, which include mineral water, the most natural form of sparkling water, that derives from a mineral spring, club soda, and tonic water. Sodium bicarbonate is also utilized to enhance the taste of sparkling water to give it more of a fizzy quality. When carbonation occurs, it gives a beverage an effervescent quality that is likened to a very fizzy soda.
Sparkling water is the man-made version of sparkling mineral water and has been steadily rising in popularity with Americans. with added carbon dioxide that is artificially induced to give the drink its bubbles. On the other hand, club soda has more taste due to additional ingredients that are added to it and unlike sparkling water, tends to be a bit sweeter. Other ingredients utilized in sparkling water, such as sodium citrate, potassium sulfate, and disodium phosphate all contribute to give mineral water its pizzazz. However, if you are on a sodium-restricted diet, then you may want to steer away from club soda since it contains a higher amount of sodium.
Is Sparkling Water Healthy?

There is a misconception that carbonated water decreases the amount of calcium in your bones. In fact, according to research, dark carbonated beverages are the culprit in bone loss, due to caffeine and phosphoric acid, which leaches your bones of calcium. However, no other drinks that did not contain phosphorus were found to contribute to bone loss. Other misconceptions involving the bones, especially tooth decay were also found to be untrue and according to studies, it was the addition of sugar and acids that were found to contribute to tooth decay and enamel erosion. While sparkling water isn’t necessarily ideal for relieving bloating and gas either, especially if you already have symptoms of IBS, it can, however, help quell symptoms such as upset stomach and nausea.
To avoid adverse effects, always read the ingredient labels in order to avoid sugar and other harmful chemicals like sodium and acids to prevent enamel erosion and gastric troubles. When it comes to proper hydration, sparkling water is just as hydrating as non-sparkling water but can cause serious indigestion is you drink it too quickly, so if you do plan to exercise, proceed with caution. In one study, people were shown to be less likely to drink carbonated water after exercising. However, it is fine to drink if you are able to stomach the feeling as sparkling water can lead to nausea.
Sparkling Or Still?

Currently, there isn’t really any viable evidence to prove that carbonated water is bad for you. When it comes to sparkling or still water being healthy, it’s really a matter of choice. While sparkling water does have it’s pro’s it can still cause gastric troubles and enamel loss when drank in excess. However, the chances are slim when compared to conventional soda that is found to be 100 times more damaging. If you are seeking out a consistency that is a bit more exciting than just plain H2O, sparkling water is perfectly safe to drink, but if you begin to feel any adverse symptoms, limit your intake. Some other benefits include :
- Quells indigestion by inducing belching and flatulence, which reduces pressure within the intestines.
- Prevents acid reflux.
- Relieves constipation by easing the passage of bowel movements.
- Reduces pressure and inflammation in the gut.
- An alternative to sugary beverages for people with diabetes.
- Assists with weight loss due to the low sugar and caloric content.
- Reduces feelings of motion sickness.
- Is filtered with fewer toxins than conventional tap water.
- is just as refreshing and hydrating as flat water.
How To Make Homemade Sparkling Water

Sparkling water machines can cost hundreds of dollars, but there is a very quick and easy route to getting your sparkling water fix that won’t break your wallet. With the use of simple ingredients, such as vinegar and baking soda, you can add a little bubbly to your water.
What You’ll Need
- 2 20 oz. plastic Bottles with the caps (Don’t use glass bottles)
- 3 ft. of tubing, fish aquarium size
- A power drill
- A drill bit that is smaller than the tubing
- Scissors
- Funnel
- Toilet Paper
- Vinegar
- Baking Soda
- Drinking water or other liquid
What To Do
- Take off the bottle caps and drill holes in them with your power drill.
- Take the tubing and cut each end at an angle to stick through the holes in the caps.
- Stick each tube through the bottle caps about an inch deep on one end. The other end of the tubing should go all the way through to the bottom of the other bottle. Then screw the caps back onto the bottles.
- Take your water or other drink you would like to carbonate and pour it into the bottle that has the tubing going all the way to the bottom. Leave about an inch or an inch and a half of space at the top then screw the bottle cap back on tightly..
- Fill the other bottle with the vinegar about 1/3 of the way. Leave the bottle cap off.
- Place about a tablespoon of baking soda on one square of toilet paper. Then fold like a burrito, securing all ends, then drop into the vinegar.
- Screw the top on as quickly as possible, then shake the bottle vigorously to release the carbon dioxide.
- Keep shaking until there is no more bubble coming out of the tube, then allow to sit.
- To open your drink, first, pinch the tube above the bottle (THIS IS IMPORTANT). Then slowly open the bottle with the drink
- With your hands pinched to the other bottle’s tube, bring it to the sink and slowly release. You should now see a lot of carbon dioxide escaping the tube.
- You can now enjoy your carbonated soda!
Sparkling water is a fun way to enjoy daily hydration and is a refreshing, healthier alternative to conventional soda. Sparkling water is good for you and there are many advantages to consuming this beverage, but as with anything, you should maintain your own limits when consuming, so keep these tips in mind if you plan on adding carbonated water to your shopping list.