House Cleaning
For most us, cleaning your house is something we have to do and not something we want to do. It’s tedious, often backbreaking, pretty much always disgusting, and just not a lot of fun. Still, it’s something that we should all do quite frequently.
But there will be a time (all the time, actually) where we won’t sweep out from under the bed, neglect those floorboards that have been collecting dust and debris, and clean out those leftovers that have taken up a permanent residence in the fridge.
So, when it comes to that, you have to take a different approach to cleaning. Say goodbye to the light sweeping and say hello to deep cleaning. Don’t fret though, because we have everything you need to know to make your house look brand new (livable) again.
House Cleaning Checklist
Before you get started your cleaning marathon, it wouldn’t hurt to make a checklist. This will help you better organize the project as well as set goals for yourself.
Remember, the better you plan, the easier it is to attack.
House Cleaning Tips
There is a lot you can do to keep your house in tip top shape without a lot of extra work. Here are just a few tips that will make your life happier and cleaner:
- Clean your sheets and pillowcases every week
- Clean your microwave every week
- Clean your bathroom every week
- Clean your refrigerator every month (throw out food after a week)
- Clean your countertops every day
- Clean your bathroom weekly
- Vacuum your carpets every two weeks, shampoo every two months
Should You Hire A House Cleaner?
All of this cleaning might be a little too much for some people, so there’s always the option of hiring a house cleaner or house cleaning service, depending on the size of the house and scope of the project.
While hiring someone could help you out in tough spot, it’s going to cost you. On average, a professional cleaning service will cost you between $120 and $150 every two weeks, but it could be more depending on where you live and the size of the job.

The Difference Between Deep Cleaning And Regular Cleaning
There will come a time when a normal cleaning routine won’t cut it; it happens to all of us. We’ll forget to clean certain nooks and crannies of our kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms, basements, what have you, allowing the dust and grime to build up. That’s when deep cleaning comes into the picture.
But what is deep cleaning and how is it different than your normal every day or weekly cleaning? For starters, deep cleaning isn’t something you do every week, or every month for that matter. People typically deep clean every six months to once a year.
When you clean normally, you’ll sweep and even mop your kitchen floor, but leave the appliances and things like pantries and hutches in place. However, when you deep clean, you’ll want to pull out and clean behind every obstacle in the kitchen. You’ll want to clean the oven, stove, and deepest and darkest areas of your kitchen. Then you will rinse and repeat for every room.

Deep Cleaning Tips
Deep cleaning your home is going to take a lot of work, energy, and dedication, so make sure you have a plan in place before you even begin. It wouldn’t be the worst idea to map out your house and dedicate one day of each month on a particular room or area of the house. This will prevent you from having to deep clean the entire house in a single day and burn yourself out on the idea of deep cleaning entirely.
Here’s an easy to follow breakdown of how to deep clean every room in your house:
Start with the areas of your house that you use the most in your everyday life and when you have guests over. With that in mind, what better place to start than with the kitchen?
Beginning with the cabinets and countertops, follow up with the sink, oven, refrigerator, and other appliances in your kitchen. This simple DIY cleaning solution recipe could definitely help here.
Make sure to clean underneath and behind the appliances before turning your focus towards the floors and floorboards. Don’t forget the floorboards.
The bathroom is another area that will need some extra TLC from time to time. You should be giving the toilet and tub a thorough cleaning every week to kill off any bacteria, but you’ll forget some areas on occasion.
Here’s a list of some of the best cleaners that should be able to handle even the toughest and foulest of toilets.
If you aren’t too fond of breathing in a lot of chemicals, or you are working on a budget, you can always wipe down the shower walls and your tub with a little vinegar and dish soap. The mixture will help break down the grime before it becomes a major issue.
Living Room
Besides the kitchen and bathroom, the living room is the next room in your house that is going to see the most wear and tear. Whether it’s pets, children, or rambunctious houseguests, your flooring and couch are going to to get beat up over the course of a year.
Keeping your carpet clean is probably on the top of your list as far as the living room goes, so that means giving it a thorough cleaning is a must. Once or twice a month, either rent a carpet cleaner or hire a carpet cleaning service to take care of the job for you. And since you already have the the tools, why not take care of those stubborn stains on your couch?
Your bedroom is where you’re going to be spending most of your time at your house (counting sleeping hours), so you’ll want to keep it pretty clean (clothes on the floor notwithstanding).
Hopefully you’re tidying up the room on occasion, but if not, here are some tips to keep your bedroom free and clear of bacteria, dust, and bugs.
Most people clean their sheets every week or two, but how many of us actually clean the mattress? It’s always good to keep your mattress clean, so follow these easy steps and your bed will be as good as new in no time.
To clean your blinds, fan, and vents, take a duster, or an old sock if you’re trying to save money and be all DIY with your approach, and take care of all that dust that’s been building up the past year.
Give your room a nice vacuuming and you should be good to go.
Laundry Room
Don’t forget about the laundry room! How often do you clean your washing machine? You didn’t know that was a thing? Well, that’s probably why your clothes smell funky even after a heavy cycle. To give your washing machine a new lease on life, combine vinegar and baking soda and give it a good run. Your clothes, and your friends and family, will thank you.
Also, don’t neglect the lint trap in your dryer. You don’t want your house catching on fire, do you?
Now that you know all there is to know about deep cleaning your home, go out and make your home feel new again.