Happy Groundhog Day. Happy Groundhog Day. As you may have heard, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, which means six more weeks of winter.
Now is the winter of our discontent. Or rather, now is the discontent of our winter. But the end is in sight! Spring blooms are right around the corner. All we have to do is make it through this next month and a half. Here’s how we plan on doing that.
Get Out of the Darn House

Cold temps + Covid = Hermit hibernation levels. As I write, it has been two weeks since I have journeyed further than the mailbox. So I say this as much for you as I do for me: Go outside! Layer up and take a walk. The fresh air and sunshine will be good for us.
Exercise the Power of Renting

Many movie theaters are still closed, but you can rent them out! This is a great idea to keep kids busy for a couple hours of (socially distanced) fun. If your city has a Topgolf, reserve a heated bay and hit some balls. Or, go swimming. Swimply is a site that allows you to a nearby private (indoor) pool by the hour.
Get Cookin’

Last weekend I held my own “cider off.” I made apple cider with the recipe on the back of the box of mix and another batch with real apples. You can guess who won: me.
In addition to warm winter beverages, take full advantage of the remainder of soup season with crockpot creations. Make life easier on future you by making and freezing these soups. Load up on wintertime dishes like casseroles while there are no swimsuits in sight. Speaking of which, warm up the kitchen by baking everything from cookies to cakes.
Look Forward to Spring

The winter blues are real, but having something to look forward to always helps. This is a great time to plan your garden, set a budget, prioritize home improvement projects, or plan a trip.
Cozy up by the Fire

It will be the dog days of summer before you know it. Savor the final weeks of winter by roasting your tootsies by the fire. It may still be a little chilly for outdoor firepits, like the Solo Stove. If you don’t have a fireplace or wood-burning stove, consider getting a mini version.
Indoor Entertainment

Just in case you haven’t worn out all of the indoor activities, here are some suggestions:
- Take a bath
- Read
- Watch TV
- Play games
- Do a puzzle
- Craft
- Color