Some people can just throw food down their gullet and not think twice about. Most of us cannot. We checked out Reddit for some of the craziest stories of people eating insane amounts of food at one time. Multiple pizzas. Dozens of burgers. Tubs of ice cream. ALL the cookies.
Do these make you jealous or sick to your stomach? Are you the kind of person that can eat 5 or 6 dinners in one night (that's right, someone here did)? Laugh, cry, feel queasy! It's all here. All the food. All the stories. All the calories. (Content has been edited for clarity).
Eating His Feelings
“During the end of my first marriage, I went to Sam’s Club and bought an entire cherry cheesecake. Proceeded to eat it in the parking lot bare-handed. The only awkward part was realizing 2/3’s through that the elderly lady in the car across from me had watched the whole thing. Made eye contact and finished like a boss. Sick as a dog later, but at the time well worth it.”
Stretchy Pants Mean Business
“My sister-in-law LOVES P.F. Chang’s – like, she has a pair of pants she’s dubbed ‘P.F. stretchy pants’ to go there and just gorge.
My mother and I were meeting her there at 5:00 pm and decided to go to the mall at 10:00 am. We were hungry at 12:00, finished shopping and figured hey, let’s be indulgent and hit up the Cheesecake Factory for lunch!
Service was TERRIBLE; we were seated at 12:30, but didn’t leave til 3:30! It hits us though that my sister-in-law might be upset if she sees our leftovers so we stuff ourselves and clean the plates. She hits us up and says hey, can we move it to 4:00 because she knew we were shopping. We couldn’t think fast enough to have a reason to say no, so we kind of shrug and say sure.
We get to P.F.s and it comes time to order, my sister-in-law throws up her hands and says ‘ladies, I’ve got this’ while tugging on her stretchies and proceeds to order all of our favorites in massive portions. When it comes, my mom and I go through the motions, shoveling it in and going the distance. It was intense.
I haven’t been to either since.”
Wasting Nothing, Not Even The Sauce
“I licked fry sauce off my babies head.
She was in the carrier, strapped to me. I was eating and it dripped right on her bald little head.
My husband looked so grossed out.
I can’t believe I didn’t even hesitate.”
Eating All The Wings
“The buffalo wild wings in my town caters to events and you can pick up or they’ll deliver. Well, my brother and I got stoned and thought it would be a good idea to place an order of 50 wings with 10 different flavors. An hour passes and we go to pick up the wings to bring back home and just ran through them like nothing.
We went back for another batch of 50 and added some chicken wraps. All in all was about $140 dollars worth of food in the span of 3 hours.”
Guilty And Full Of Shame Is Sad
“I grew up in a big family. Five kids. I’m smack dab in the middle. Middle child complex all the way, the peacekeeper who puts his own needs aside for the greater good.
We weren’t poor, but it always felt like my mother was trying to stretch the food budget to feed three boys and twin girls. When my mother called us for dinner, my two older brothers would run down the hallway to the dining room, literally pushing me out of the way to get to the food first. They both played football (middle school and high school) so they were particularly good at running and shoving, and they were always ravenous eaters.
Meanwhile, my mother, worried that the girls, who were the youngest, wouldn’t get enough to eat, always reprimanded us for taking more than our share, which my brothers did, but I didn’t because I’d invariably be last the of the boys to arrive at the table. Whenever we’d reach for seconds, my mother would say something like, ‘Make sure you leave enough for your sisters.’ Or ‘Don’t take the last bite.’ Or ‘You’ve had enough.’
I developed this terrible sense of guilt around eating more than my share. I’d literally count the number of pieces of meat, like slices of meatloaf or pieces of fried chicken, and divide that number by seven and then take one less, just so I could defend myself if I were ever to be accused of taking too much. As a result of this, I began hoarding food in my room, slices of bread and cheese, tater tots pocketed from school, one Pop-Tart from a package I’d opened in the morning. All my allowance went to candy and snacks that I could buy at 7-Eleven, or I’d shoplift when the money ran out. I’d often eat in the woods on the shortcut home from school so no one could see me eating. I’d eat so I wouldn’t be too hungry at dinner, so I could take less food. I got fat from all the candy. When I went off to boarding school, there was no more having to share food, no ‘more than your share.’
I ate all I wanted in the dining hall, but mostly healthy foods so I didn’t look like a pig. I was one of those fat people who always say how much they love salad. Meanwhile, I still hoarded food in my room, which I kept in shoe boxes in my closet. I’d eat when my roommates were off at practice or rehearsals or whatever. I knew their schedules. I knew when I could safely eat alone and not be interrupted. Sometimes I’d go to the convenience store just off campus, buy an Entenmann’s pound cake and milk and down it all behind the dumpster in the back, so no one could see me. Nothing like crying behind a dumpster, covered in buttery crumbs. I got fatter.
Once I got to college and came out as gay, I succumbed to pressure to look good, so I started working out and eating better. I shed a lot of fat and went from being a chub to a cub and then a muscle bear.
And though I’ve come a long way with my bad eating habits, I still hate sharing food like appetizers or main courses at family-style restaurants for fear of being accused off taking too much. I relish eating alone. On my lunch break, I deliberately go to unpopular restaurants to decrease the chance of running into co-workers or I go out to lunch around 1:30 when my coworkers are returning. I am no longer super fat and I try to eat well, but eating will always be associated with guilt and shame.”
The Burgers Kept Putting Him To Sleep
“As I was coming home from college in NYC I stopped at Penn Station’s McDonald’s as they were having a 2 for $3 triple cheeseburger deal. I decided to get 4 triple cheeseburgers. My train wasn’t for a while so I sat down and started eating, after the second burger I probably should have stopped, but I didn’t.
Halfway through my third burger, I fell asleep, headphones blaring, soda next to me, backpack still on me. I woke up about 15 minutes later, missed my train, burger still in my hand; finished my third triple cheeseburger then thought, ‘well, I have another 30 minutes before the next train, might as well eat this fourth burger!’ I ate the fourth burger caught my next train and fell asleep on the train home. Missed my stop and took a taxi home.”
The Biggest Jar Of Nutella In Africa
“I lived and worked in rural Ghana for a year and had a hard time finding good chocolate. The food was amazing, but their junk food was awful. So, whenever I went into a major city I’d try to pick up a box of Oreos or something and I’d usually wolf them down within 24 hours. On one trip, I came across the largest jug of Nutella I’ve ever seen. This jar was easily three or four times the size that I usually see in Canadian grocery stores. I don’t usually buy it, but I know it’s delicious, so whatever, I went with it.
I ate that mofo in one sitting. It’s hazelnutty palm oily chocolatey goodness went down, spoonful by spoonful, over the course of maybe six hours. It was at least 2 pounds of the stuff.
The following morning included memorable moments such as ‘oh these are tight pants’ and ‘do I have giardia?'”
Hiding From The Chinese Delivery Man
“As a poor university student, I decided to spend the remainder of my money for the term on Chinese takeout. There was no food in the house and I hadn’t eaten since the previous day as I felt one meal a day seemed perfectly reasonable.
The hour came when the delivery driver came to my house and handed me my order. With much excitement, I took the delivery and ran upstairs and sat in my darkened room. After opening the bag I realized they delivered the wrong order. Much to my delight, there was a copious amount of food.
I started to eat the wide selection of items in the order until I received a phone call from the Chinese place. They had realized they had delivered the wrong order. I started to ignore the phone calls until there was a loud banging at the front door. The had come to collect the food. I shamelessly spent the next 20 minutes hiding in my house with the lights turned off eating my way through a buffet selection for 6 people while the banging became louder and more erratic.
Hiding in fear from a delivery man in shame is not how I envisioned spending my Friday night.
Pre-Dessert Pizza
“I was in NYC with a good friend of mine. We spent the day eating through the city. Bagels from here, brunch from there; food from this street vendor, chocolate from that boutique, etc…
We had dinner in Little Italy and stuffed ourselves silly. She insisted we go to La Bella Ferrara (also in Little Italy) for dessert. I suggested we at least pace ourselves and go for a stroll first. La Bella Ferrara was practically across the street from the restaurant we just left.
I suggested we stroll up this side of little Italy first, turn around, come back the other side, and then have dessert. She agreed.
We got to the corner of the block and there was a pizza place. They had set up shop outside on the corner. We each bought a slice and ate that on our stroll to get dessert.”
Keep Feeding Her Everything!
“I used to have this emotional eating problem. And if you look at me, you’d never be able to tell because I’m super petite. But I’m telling you, whenever I got sad, I would eat my feelings.
Years ago, after my ex-boyfriend dumped me, I hit up all my friends individually to see if anyone wanted to go out for dinner. They all started responding at different times – which is what I had planned. Long story short, I had 5 dinners that night. I had a hamburger and fries at 6 pm, then a burrito, then pizza, then Thai food, and then ended my gluttony with ramen at 2 am. I definitely gained a bit of weight that night but I have since learned to stop emotional eating so severely.”
Eating The Uneaten Pizza Crusts Is A New Low
“I was at a party with my boyfriend and he didn’t eat his pizza crusts. I almost stayed up all night thinking about them. I ended up having them for breakfast before he woke up, cold from staying on the coffee table all night.
Not my proudest moment.”
Pure Gluttony
“Well right now I’m working my way down the path of a reformed overweight person, but let me regale you with the tales of my former habits.
I used to buy boxes of Reese’s Puffs cereal and try to eat the whole box in one sitting. I usually got three bowls in. I bought a mini fridge for my bedroom so I wouldn’t have to walk downstairs to the shared fridge to get my milk whenever I wanted a bowl.
I would buy a tube of cookie dough and maybe get one dozen cookies baked from it, the rest was consumed raw – not all at once though, over the course of the week.
I quite easily ate entire bags of Lay’s BBQ chips in one sitting. I also liked to eat whole rows of strawberry Newtons. A serving size of those is 100 calories in two cookies. There were at least ten in a single row.
I’d get through at least half a Domino’s pizza with two lava cakes. I’d leave the pizza out overnight and finish it in the morning.
I’d buy a half dozen Krispy Kreme donuts from the grocery store, microwave them, and eat them all in one sitting.
It was all pretty bad.
Nowadays my idea of a binge is a bowl of popcorn, half a chocolate bar, and a few glasses of Merlot.
I was not in a good place when I was eating like that – at least 100 lbs overweight. It took an intervention from my parents to set me on the right path, and if they hadn’t stepped in I would have only destroyed my body further because at the time I didn’t see anything wrong with how I ate. I’m still a sucker for some good cereal on occasion, just one bowl at a time though.”
Only A Teenager Can Survive Eating This Much Food
“12 cheese Krystal burgers (no mustard, add mayo), 2 orders of chili cheese fries. Six chili cheese pups. Four Krystal chicken sandwiches, a bag of cheese puffs, each puff dipped end to end in a jar of queso dip. 2.75 liters of grocery store brand Dr. Pepper, and a pint of ‘groom’s cake’ ice cream, which was chocolate, with pieces of chocolate covered strawberries and a swirl of chocolate cake frosting.
I was 17, on the long-distance running team at school and my stomach was pretty much a black hole. Woke up the next morning and felt fantastic.”
Eating Your Way Through Math Class
“As a sophomore in high school, I had math the block (90 minute period) before lunch.
One day my friend gets hungry so he opens his lunch and has a bag of chips. This goes on for a while before he’s eventually just eating his entire lunch in class. Soon, that is not enough so he starts to bring in a full-sized bag of chips to eat. Of course, he has to share with me and the other two guys in our group, so he graduates to a 3 lb bag of Bugles. Then we all start bringing food in.
At this point, the rest of the class has really noticed and it’s a thing, but the teacher doesn’t care so long as we’re not disruptive. By the time winter break gets close, we decide we’re going to go all out on the last day and have a giant pile of ridiculousness to eat.
We go to the store and buy a cookie cake, 4 8-foot sticks of beef jerky, 4 cans of Pringles, 4 sticks of pepperoni, 8-liters of soda, 4 packs of cookies, and 4 large subs.
Class starts, and we pull it all out of our bags and start to go to town, it’s not like any work is really getting done the day before break anyways.
We get about halfway through our stuff and our teacher from the previous year decided to pop in with a surprise pizza party she owed us from the year before.
So, of course, we ate that too.
I still can’t eat beef jerky anymore.”
Pregnancy Cravings
“I was massively pregnant and woke up in the middle of the night, poured an entire box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch into a big glass bowl, threw in a bag of marshmallows, drizzled it with melted butter and then put it in the microwave to melt the marshmallows.
I then watched Dexter for 2 hours and ate the whole thing while crying.”
No Parent Can Stop You Now
“You know when you’re a kid and you go to the store with your parents. You beg them for all kinds of candy and sweets beyond the grocery budget and they say no?
Well, after I got my drivers license and my parents sent me to pick up the groceries, I realized, hey, I have my own money and I can go to the store when I want!
I then proceed to buy an entire tray of eclairs, barbecue potato chips and a cheesecake and proceed to gorge myself in the car, in the summer heat.
Yeah, I didn’t realize how much taste for even your favorite foods dwindles as you eat it again and again. It wasn’t until I made eye contact with some kids in another car pointing at me while I was wiping off crumbs and chocolate icing from my face that I realize, Oh no, what am I doing with my life?
A few years later, probably one of the few upsides in my choice to commute instead of dorm in college was no dining hall. If I had access to the dining halls all semester, I’d be repeating that gluttonous binge again and again. Probably pack on more than a Freshman 10.”
Sure, Blame The Steroids
“I was put on steroids whilst I was having radiation to my brain. Steroids made me HUNGRY! So here are a few things I did during the 10 months I was on them:
Grated cheddar cheese onto a plate (big pile), microwaved it, ate melty cheese with a spoon. This was nearly a daily thing.
Got up at 6 am and cooked a full 12-piece fried chicken bucket.
Regularly ate multi-bags of chips – think 24 packets in one day.
Ate pork rinds by the bucket load.
Ordered 2 large, fully loaded with extra cheese pizzas. Ate it all in one sitting.
Order a 12-piece KFC meal just for me.
Woken up in bed hugging a pizza.
And I’m sure there are other things that I’ve wiped from my memory. It was a bad time!”
A Parade Of Junk Food
“It was nearly 1 AM, and I’d been drinking since midday. Came out of the bar, and got a large kebab to accompany me on the 4-mile walk home.
Ate that, but I was still hungry. Passing a pizzeria, I stopped in and got a 10″ cheese & garlic pizza.
Ate that, still hungry. Still 2 miles to go. Stopped and got fish & chips.
Ate that. Still hungry. All night convenience store. Bought and ate a packet of sliced ham.
Got home. Still hungry. Thought to myself ‘I’m never gonna beat this hunger,’ so I went to bed.”
One Cake Becomes Another
“A few years ago, I baked a cake the afternoon before a party. I was hungry before the party though and the cake looked good so I had a piece, and then another. But then there was a huge chunk missing from the cake (it was small-ish, maybe 9″ in diameter) so I ate half of it thinking I could cut it up then and make it look good, but it just looked pathetic. So I finished the cake. Every last crumb. And baked another one.”
The Greatest Burger Ever Made
“I was moving out of my flat and didn’t want to take any leftover food with me as I was going back to my parents. So I made the following burger I call ‘The Long Goodbye’. I used a BBQ skewer to hold the structure but that didn’t last too long. It was the greatest thing I ever made. Read from the bottom up: Burger bun, two sausages, fried egg, potato waffle, bacon, beef patty, fried egg, another potato waffle, bun.
It was epic!”