Everyone knows the '90s were the golden age of snack food. But then everything went downhill when we realized that all of our favorite snack foods were not exactly healthy, especially all those chewy delicious fruit snacks. We've ranked the absolute best fruit snacks that we enjoyed as kids. Do you agree with us? Check out our top nine here!

Number one always, gushers are the perfect mix of fruity goo and chewiness. No matter what the flavor, Gushers were, and still are, the best fruit snack.
Fruit By The Foot

Obviously the crowd favorite, Fruit By The Foot is 3 feet of deliciousness. We loved these as kids, because they lasted forever and some of them even had tattoos!
Fruit Roll Ups

Fruit Roll Ups were great because you not only got a full sheet of yummy fruit snack, but you got tattoos and cut-outs to play with!
Fruit String Thing

Fruit String Things made snacking fun with their various shapes you got to tear apart. It's a shame they're not sold anymore!
Shark Bites

What is more fun than shark-shaped fruit snacks? Nothing. We loved shark bites so much!

Sodalicious combined the best of both worlds: soda and candy. How perfect!
Scooby Doo Fruit Snacks

Nothing better than watching Scooby-Doo while eating these fruit snacks. The blue was obviously the best flavor, right?
Welch’s Fruit Snacks

Welch's are still around today, and they've grown to make a variety of flavor packs. Still, they're not the most exciting when it comes to fruit snacks.
Hi-C Gummy Fruits

Hi-C gummy's claimed to be full of vitamin C, but this may not have been entirely true. Either way, they were delicious and it's a shame they're no longer made!