More than ever, succulents have taken Pinterest by storm! Thousands have set out in search of inspiration and ideas on how to use these amazingly unique robust plants. One glance for yourself and you’ll see hundreds of trendy succulents arrangements, ranging from both indoor and outdoor succulent gardens, succulent terrariums, succulent wedding bouquets, and succulent wedding favors. You may even spot a tutorial for some beautiful succulent cupcakes!
There are many popular succulents; however, they do belong to over 25 plant families, making them incredibly diverse as they come in varied colors, shapes, and sizes. Being one of the best houseplants, it’s no wonder there would be a succulent plant subscription. A Succulent Studios subscription box can provide you with all of your succulent needs, without ever setting foot in a nursery!
What Does Succulent Studios Offer?

Succulent Studios offers an affordable subscription of beautiful, organically-grown southern California succulents delivered straight to your door. It’s an excellent opportunity for those wanting to explore the many creative possibilities of decorating with succulents.
Every month, Succulent Studios will ship two, surprise eight-week-old succulents, based on seasonality and hardiness. The plants will be shipped in coconut coir, each potted in a two-inch biodegradable, earth-friendly pot. Succulent Studios recommends that you place the plants in a new container after one to two rounds of watering, as the pots will begin to soften. There is no need to remove the old pots, as they will ultimately deteriorate on there own, in their new homes!
Each subscription box also contains plant identification cards and care instructions for those just starting out, to learn all they can about succulent care.
How Much Does Succulent Studios Subscription Cost?

Succulent Studios will send you two succulents, for $10 per month. However, they do charge a flat rate of $6.50 for shipping. Succulents are carefully potted and boxed upon order and then shipped, taking about 2-3 business days. If you’re a first time customer, use the code FIVEDOLLARS to get $5 off your first month!
As we mentioned earlier, Succulent Studios selects which two plants they will ship. But, if you’d prefer not to be surprised, Succulent Studios does announce on the first of every month what they will be sending. If you’d like to skip your shipment, simply go to their website and under the subscriptions and click the skip it button.
How Do I Cancel My Succulent Studios Subscription?

If you’re unhappy with Succulent Studios for any reason and would like to cancel, you’ll be happy to know that canceling is not tricky. Visit the website, and then go to your account page. Click the button that says cancel subscription.
Can I Give Gift A Succulent Studios Subscription?

Are you looking for the perfect gift idea to brighten up someone’s home? Succulent Studios has an option to gift friends and family a subscription. Visit subscriptions and click gift it, and your next shipment will be sent to whomever you choose that month. Choose from a one-time gift option, or select from lengthier 3, 6, or 12-month gift alternatives.
Succulent Studios Subscription Box Review

For this review of the Succulent Studios subscription box, I’m reviewing the March 2020 subscription box. Firstly, I want to express that I was very eager to receive this subscription. Indoor plants are not my forte, and knowing that succulents may survive under my roof gives me new hope!
I was impressed to see how securely the succulents were shipped. The two small plants arrived promptly in a smallish box. Once opened, I immediately noticed two care cards for the Kiwi Aeonium and Little Gem. Both succulents were secured tightly in small biodegradable pots, wrapped with cardboard lids to keep moisture inside. Aside from a couple of fallen leaves, nothing was broken. The Succulent Studios website provides many scenarios, for what to do if something should happen to your plant. According to the Succulent Studios website, fallen leaves could be used for propagation (the process of growing new succulents from cuttings). All I needed to do was wait for my leaves to dry, and then transfer them to another pot, where they would soon sprout into a plant of their own.
I was excited to place my succulents in new planters I purchased on Amazon to fit in my home decor. I loved how simple it was to transfer the succulents to their new planters without much fuss and provide them with fresh soil.
I love the idea of receiving new succulents each month for an affordable price, with easy to follow instructions. Most succulents are hard to kill plants that you barely need to water, so they’re perfect for those that may not have a green thumb. I’m looking forward to receiving a wide variety of succulents to grow my collection, and incorporate the luscious hues into my decor over time. There certainly isn’t a shortage of ways to beautify your home with succulents!
I also appreciated Succulent Studios strong stance on being earth conscious. I’m pleased to support a company that values organic products, in knowing how they protect our environment. Succulent Studios proudly uses organic media and fertilizer as well as organic packaging, which is entirely plastic-free.
Overall, the Succulent Studios subscription is an amazing way to spruce up your home with adorable potted plants. At $10 a box for two it’s a great value, however, the added shipping can make a monthly subscription more prohibitive. Of course, you’re getting fully-organic plants and soil with each box so it is justified. Give Succulent Studios a try if you’re looking to bring some spring into your home.