All scrapbooks are not alike. That’s part of their appeal. There are as many scrapbook ideas there are stars in the sky. And each one shows off your personality, creativity, and passion for the subject matter in a different way.
When most people think about scrapbooks, they think about photographs. But there are many scrapbooks which don’t contain a single photo at all. Yet they are just as personal and special. And best yet, just as fun to put together.
Whether you’re looking to create an amazing, one of a kind gift or make a scrapbook as a keepsake for yourself, this article will introduce you to scrapbook ideas you’ve probably never even considered. After all, shouldn’t your scrapbook be as special and unique as its maker?

1. Business Card Scrapbook
Most business card scrapbooks have a theme. This might be people you’ve networked within the course of your career. People who work in the same industry, or people you meet while on vacation. But don’t limit yourself. You can just fill your scrapbook with business cards you obtain any which way. Plus, you’ll always know where to look when it’s time to call a plumber
2. Pet Scrapbook
A pet scrapbook can be devoted to a single, furry friend, or contain photos from all the wonderful creatures you’ve had in your life throughout the years. Or even other people’s pets. Pet scrapbooks are particularly rewarding to thumb through with small children. They are amongst the cutest scrapbooks around.
3. Holiday Scrapbooks
Holiday scrapbooks are a fun way to document your family’s growth. And there’s more than one way to put them together. You can put them together yearly, to memorialize the fun your family has had in holidays all year around. Pictures of Christmas and Halloween costumes are particularly fun to preserve and remember.

4. Matchbook Scrapbook
Many people like to collect matchbooks from the different restaurants, bars, and hotels they travel to. A matchbook scrapbook helps people enjoy their collection as they thumb through the pages and reminisce about all the fun they’ve had visiting those places and collecting them, to begin with.
5. Autograph Scrapbook
If you collect autographs a scrapbook is often the perfect place for your collection. This is another case where you’ll want to use photo corners in case you want to do something else with them later on. If you glue them, there’s a good chance you’ll damage them if and when you choose to remove them.
6. Nature Scrapbook
There are many ways to put together a nature scrapbook. You can fill the pages with dried flowers, pebbles, twigs you find when you go on your next hike. Or you can also fill your scrapbook with pictures you take when you’re out in nature. Mountains, trees, rivers, flowers whatever strikes your fancy.

7. Memorable Meals
Do you like posting pics of your last meal on social media? If so, you might enjoy putting together a scrapbook filled with photos of your most memorable meals, whether they be home cooked or special dishes you’ve enjoyed from your favorite restaurant.
8. Painted Scrapbook
If you like to paint you can fill your scrapbook with your painted pages. What else could be more personal? Or beautiful? Painted accents are also delightful embellishments to use in conjunctions with photographs.
9. Map Scrapbook
Gluing maps into the pages of your scrapbook makes for a unique, gorgeous background. There are plenty of ways to tie the maps into your scrapbook theme. Pictures of your last vacation or road trip can go on top of maps from the relevant locations. Pictures of relatives can be placed from maps from the region they live in.

10. Envelope Scrapbook
Line the pages of your scrapbook with small, colorful envelopes, Use them as a compartment to store letters, cards, feathers, photos, basically whatever it is you want to fill your scrapbook with.

11. Button Scrapbook
If you collect buttons it’s fun to display them in your scrapbook. You can devote an entire scrapbook to them or space them out here and there as an embellishment to your pages.
12. Transportation
Whether you’re into cars, trains, planes, tractors, or all of the above, a transportation- themed scrapbook is the perfect place to hold pictures, ads and brochures for those wheeled machines you want to remember.
13. Ticket scrapbook
Do you ever look at your ticket stub from a sporting event or concert and think it was a shame to throw it away? Why not keep them in a ticket scrapbook alongside pictures, brochures and other souvenirs of the day?

14. School Days Scrapbook
Your child probably brings home a yearbook every June. They’re wonderful, but they focus on the whole school, not just your extraordinary child. A school Days scrapbook can include your child’s postcard, programs from their choir concert, pieces of art or homework their proud of, and of course, pictures of their school-related activities.
15. Romantic Scrapbook
A romantic scrapbook is a wonderful way to document your relationship. It can contain photos, mementos of your dates, love letters, and the little cards that come with that bouquet of flowers you got on your birthday. They are the perfect surprise gift for your partner.
16. Celebrity Scrapbook
Celebrity scrapbooks are especially fun putting together with pre-teens who enjoy cutting up magazines of pictures of their favorite crushes to memorialize for all time. Watch them blush when you drag them out on their eighteenth birthday.
17. Speciality Shape Scrapbook
Who says pictures and embellishments need to be square or rectangle? You can cut them into circles, stars, hearts or any other shapes that suit your fancy to add some extra style to the pages of your scrapbook.

18. Recipe Scrapbook
Remember those days when everyone had a card file on their kitchen counter to hold our favorite recipes? Why not do a fun twist on the card file and store those recipes in a scrapbook? Decorate with your favorite embellishments or with pictures of your finished creations. This is an heirloom that will surely be treasured and passed down generations.
19. Life Lessons Scrapbook
You know those words of wisdom we all want to pass down to our kids? Why not write them down in a scrapbook complete with stories from your own life? Give it to them on their 18th birthday, college graduation or wedding day. It’s sure to be a present they’ll never forget.
20. Fabric Scrapbook
Cover the pages of your scrapbook with fabric for a colorful, unique platform to help your photos and embellishments stand out with an extra dose of personality. You can also use fabric for the cover of your scrapbook. It will help send the message that something special awaits inside.
21. Award Scrapbook
If you have a talented child who frequently wins foot races, art contests, or any other kind of competition, chances are you have some ribbons, medals, and certificates lying around. Put them in a scrapbook, it will be something they can page through for an extra dose of confidence when they’re trying t work up the courage to try something new or experiencing rejection.

22. Family Tree Scrapbook
Everyone wants to know where they came from. A family tree scrapbook demonstrates exactly that. Fill it with pictures of your ancestors, maps of the places they came from, and embellishments to represent any other details you can learn about them.
23. Friend Scrapbook
When most people think scrapbooks they think family. But friends can be family, too, and your scrapbook can very well be about that. Friend scrapbooks make great gifts, but they’re special just to make and keep for yourself to document the friendships you want to remember for the rest of your life.
24. Technology Scrapbook
If we know anything about technology, we know it constantly changes (we’re looking at you, giant cell phones with antennas). A technology scrapbook is where you can document all your electronics and gadgets so you can laugh and talk about them for years to come.
25. Baby Scrapbook
There’s probably nothing as cute as a baby scrapbook (although the pet scrapbook runs a close second). Document your baby’s early years with pictures and tiny keepsakes so you’ll have a record of those precious, early days.

26. Garden Scrapbook
If you have a garden, you probably love to show it off. A scrapbook allows you to do that without inviting everyone to your house. It also helps you enjoy your garden year round. Fill your garden with pictures of your flowers, vegetables, as well as the bouquets and meals you make from them.
27. Wine Label Scrapbook
Many wine lovers love to keep their labels and corks. Keeping them around helps them remember those special bottles long after they’ve been consumed. Tasting notes and pairing ideas can be added, as well.
28. Beach Scrapbook
There is perhaps no place more photogenic than the beach. And there’s probably no place better for collecting bits and baubles. Beach scrapbooks are generally filled with gorgeous photographs, seashells, sand dollars, bits of driftwood and sea glass. This is a scrapbook the whole family will love finding treasures for.

We hope these scrapbook ideas help stimulate your creative juices. Your scrapbook should be one of a kind, just like you are.