Since conventional deodorants contain parabens and other toxic ingredients that may be linked to cancer, many are turning to a more holistic approach as a means to condition and deodorize their underarms – homemade deodorant. Not only is homemade deodorant just as effective as any leading brand found in the store, you can customize your own recipe to meet your specific needs, using natural, non-abrasive ingredients. Homemade deodorants also eliminate the need for triclosan, a chemical used to prevent bacterial contamination, which may also be one of the culprits for hormone imbalances and antibiotic resistance, among others.

Coconut oil, the highly fatty oil extracted from the coconut, is especially effective when it comes to eliminating dry skin and quelling some topical skin concerns since it contains monolaurin, useful for killing microbes that can lead to odor. Coconut oils are also extracted from the copra, the nutritious core of the coconut that houses hydrating coconut water, creamy coconut milk, and the coconut oil that is used in a variety of different ways to maintain a sense of cleanliness and well-being. Coconut oil hydrates the skin from the inside out and is one of the main ingredients for a variety of healing and beauty treatments. Here is a homemade deodorant recipe that incorporates this rich ingredient and will make you want to throw out your chemical-laden versions.

What You’ll Need
- 1/3 cup of virgin coconut oil
- 1/4 cup of baking soda
- 1/4 cup of arrowroot powder
- 1/4/ cup of cornstarch
- Essential oil of your choice

What To Do
1. In a small bowl, whisk baking soda, arrowroot powder and cornstarch in a bowl until well blended.
2. Add coconut oil and use a pastry cutter or a fork to cut into the mixture until fully incorporated.
3. Add 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Tea tree oil is ideal, for its antiseptic and antibacterial qualities.
4. Place mixture into an air-tight container and enjoy!
Many conventional deodorants contain a considerable amount of toxins, which is why holistic ingredients, such as coconut oil, will not only keep your skin silky soft but helps to fight odor. Keep this effective recipe on hand and you will never go back.