A dessert or sweet treat can be the tastiest part of your day, but making your own desserts can involve a lot of waiting time. Luckily, though, these simple sweet recipes or tips can satisfy your cravings quickly and easily.
DIY Chocolate Bowls

You can easily make edible cups out of chocolate using balloons. Blow a clean balloon and spray it with cooking oil before inserting it in melted chocolate. Put it aside and wait for it to harden before carefully popping the balloon and removing it.
Ice Cream Bread

This is a quick an easy way of fixing a dessert. Combine melted ice cream, self rising flour and sugar, and then bake. To complete the sumptuous dessert, you can add flavors of your choice as well as add-ins.
Waffle Iron Brownies

Make brownies in a waffle iron. Instead of waiting for a whole batch to be done from the oven, just put the mix into a waffle iron.
Mason Jar Cupcakes

Bake cupcakes and muffins using Mason jar lids. This is a simple process that solves the problem of lacking a muffin tray when baking cupcakes. Just put cup cake liners in the mason jars and pour in batter. Bake using the normal process.
Sliceable Popsicles

Make sliceable popsicles in a loaf pan. This acts as a remedy when you don't have a popsicles mould. Here is the solution, fill a loaf's pan with your preferred popscicle mixture and put a wax paper onto of it. Make slits along its middle and put popscicle stocks before freezing. Finally, wet the pan with hot water and watch your frozen popscicle fall out. Greatest thing since sliced bread.
Keep Cake Fresh

In order to keep a half eaten cake in the fridge and ensure it remains moist, stick slices of bread on the cut part of the cake and use toothpicks to attach them. The bread will get stale as it provides moisture but ensure that the cake remains soft.
Perfectly Cut Cake

Use waxed, unflavoured dental floss to slice cake. The dental floss is the cleanest and more precise way of slicing a cake. The floss cuts the cake horizontally perfectly. The floss used must be unflavoured.
Brownie In A Mug

Instead of baking a whole batch of brownies, you can make a brownie in a coffee mug. It involves mixing ingredients necessary for the brownie such as flour, sugar, cocoa, oil, and water as well as vanilla. Put the mixture in the coffee mug and microwave it. Expect scrumptious results!
Quick-And-Easy Ice Cream Sandwich

Learn the right way to make an ice-cream cookie sandwich. Put the slice of ice cream that you cut directly from a carton between two cookies. The result will definitely be yummy.
Instant Marshmallow Frosting

Top your cupcakes with toasted marshmallow. Wait until the cupcakes are almost fully baked. Throw the marshmallow on top of the cupcakes. When the mashmallow turns golden brown, spread it on the cupcake.
DIY Cookie Cups

Make sugar cookie cups to serve ice cream or fudge in. This very delicious dessert involves putting slices of sugar cookie dough and place them on the cups located at the back of the muffin tray. Put in the oven and they well melt and form sugar cookie cups. Remove and fill with either ice cream or fudge.
Frozen Whipped Cream Puffs

Make frozen whipped cream puffs for your hot chocolate. This process involves making whipped cream before spooning some of its servings onto a baking sheet that has parchments. It is then stores on the freezer and whenever you feel like having a topped hot chocolate, it comes in handy!
DIY Mini Doughnuts

Make mini-donuts by covering cheerios with chocolate, cinnamon sugar, etc. Doughnut cheerios are usually less scrumptious. For a quick dessert hack, just cover the cheerios with chocolate and cinnamon sugar to enhance taste.
Instant Banana Ice Cream

Make one-ingredient banana ice cream. It is an easy process that involves blending the banana and freezing them. The result is usually creamy due the fat.
French Press Whipped Cream

Use a French press to make whipped cream. Put the heavy whipping cream into the French press. Ensure it is half filed before putting the lid. Finally, push and pull the filter rapidly. You now have your whipped cream!
Save Stale Cookies

Make stale cookies soft again by putting them in a plastic bag with a slice of bread. This process resembles the one for saving bread from getting stale. The method works for both stale cookies as well as a preservation remedy. One has to store them with pieces of fresh bread to allow them provide moisture to the cookies hence restoring their softness.
Homemade Ice Cream

If you don't have an ice cream maker, then you can still make ice cream in your food processor. It is however long since one has to first ensure that the mixture is frozen in ice cube trays. It is then blended with cream before being frozen again for four hours. The result is creamy!