NexGard Chewables for Dogs

NexGard Chewable tablets are a Godsend! Struggling with trying to keep your pooch still long enough to adequately apply topical flea treatments is finally a thing of the past. These beef-flavored tabs taste just like a treat for your dog and last as long as the topical oils, if not longer. Another benefit of the tablets is removing the fear that too much water-time may strip the meds’ efficacy. NexGard can be given upon finding the first flea bite to kill adult fleas before they can lay eggs or simply used as scheduled monthly prevention.
Wondercide Yard & Garden Flea & Tick Spray, 32-oz bottle

This Wondercide Yard Spray is something that I stumbled upon a few years ago and absolutely swear by. Despite keeping my pack properly treated from bites, it is still alarming to find a rogue insect crawling on them. This chemical-free spray keeps the fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes at bay from your yard. It’s super easy to spread, as it directly attaches to your garden hose. The repellent uses essential oils and is completely safe if your pet ingests it, which means you can also have peace of mind for your flowers and grass. Bonus: Your outdoorsy kids will be tick-free, and the mosquitoes will be noticeably less of a nuisance after treatment!
Wondercide Geranium & Citronella Dog & Cat Shampoo Bar, 4-oz bar

This is another necessary addition to your pet’s summer routine. Not only is this bar shampoo cruelty-free, but it also contains natural essential oils, coconut oil, and is 100% free from harsh chemicals, artificial colors, fragrances, sulfates, parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and synthetic pesticides. To top that all off, it fights off all the itchy nuisance bugs out there! The shampoo takes less time to wash out than its liquid counterparts, making it a quick and easy way to routinely enrich your pup’s skin and re-apply the repellent.
Save 20% on all Wondercide products, only on!
Dog Ear Cleaning Products
No afternoon is better spent in the summer than relaxing with your dogs swimming at the local river or lake. Of course, the seasoned pet owner then immediately thinks about the ear infections that tend to follow. Some breeds are more prone to these painful infections, especially those with adorably floppy ears, but it is imperative to keep all dog’s ears clean and free from harmful bacteria. Dogs have a more vertical ear canal than humans, and it creates an area ripe for bacteria, yeast, or even ear mites to live and, unfortunately, prosper. Like in humans, if left untreated, the infections can cause deafness, facial paralysis, and imbalance. Stock up on plenty of over-the-counter ointment to treat them regularly. Finally, if the bacteria have taken hold, Chewy offers plenty of prescription-based treatment options.
Virbac Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleaner for Dogs & Cats

The Virbac Epi-Otic Ear Cleaner is safe for both your dogs and cats. It’s one of the most popular over-the-counter options that Chewy offers and boosts over 80% 5-star reviews. It’s formulated with anti-adhesive glycotechnology to prevent microbial attachment and has an anti-odor element to eliminate ear canal odor. It is safe enough on your pets for routine cleaning and bacteria prevention. Lastly, it has a low pH level, so it is plenty safe to use along with any other veterinarian-prescribed ear solutions.
EnteDerm Topical Ointment for Dogs & Cats

The EnteDerm Topical Ointment is also safe for both dogs and cats, but this one is prescription-only. This is approved to treat bacteria and yeast infections, so you can rest easy knowing whatever is plaguing your poor pet will be remedied quickly and safely. It has over 92% satisfied customers (and pets!), and many people boast that it is the only product to finally treat chronic red and itchy ears due to infections and allergies.
Dog Skin Treatment Products
Unfortunately, our pooches can experience a wide variety of uncomfortable skin irritations, ranging from dandruff to chronic allergies. offers a ton of products to treat everything from minor spots to advanced infections, so it’s important to know what you’re dealing with prior to treatment and to take advance action. If left untreated too long, baldness, hot spots, and rashes may persist, leaving your dog equipped only with scratching and biting to make the pain go away. Since they can’t tell you what is hurting, stay on top of their skincare with some of Chewy’s top products.
KetoChlor Medicated Shampoo for Dogs & Cats

The KetoChlor Medicated Shampoo is safe for both dogs and cats and is one of Chewy’s top-rated shampoos that does not require a prescription. This shampoo can be regularly used to treat bacterial and fungal skin infections. It works by disrupting the colonization of micro-organisms and preventing skin itchiness caused by any topical irritant. Furthermore, like the bar shampoo above, it is low-lather and rinses easily during quick baths.
Gentamicin / Betamethasone (Generic) Topical Spray for Dogs

This prescription-only topical solution is necessary for any skin irritations left untreated too long. If your dog, like mine, is prone to hot spots, this is the product you need to talk to your veterinarian about. Gentamicin / Betamethasone Topical Spray is specifically for the treatment of superficial lesions caused by bacteria and acts as an antibiotic to heal the lesion and an inflammatory to ease the pain. Furthermore, it can be used for pets prone to skin allergies to lessen swelling and redness.
Note: This is not approved for fungal or viral infections.
Dog Heartworm Prevention Products
Any responsible dog owner knows that heartworm prevention is a necessary monthly product. Heartworms are those alarming foot-long worms that can cause lasting, and sometimes fatal, repercussions in your dog. They live in the heart, lungs, and other vital organs and, if left untreated, can multiply and wreak havoc on their entire system. It is imperative to administer prevention in advance because heartworm treatment is a lengthy process and is not always successful.
Heartgard Plus Chewables for Dogs

Heartgard Plus is one of the top heartworm prevention products on the market, trusted by veterinarians and pet owners alike. The beef-flavored chewables are dog-tested and taste-approved, which makes for a satisfying monthly treat. does require a veterinarian-administered negative heartworm test before you can order, but this should be performed at their annual visit anyway.